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Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries


Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries


 Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad 


Identify existing skills and

make them available for the DRC

justice échelle

International Fice statutes

Association organized in accordance with the laws governing non-governmental organizations and Chapter 55 A of the General Statutes of Associations in North Carolina.


Considering the role played as well as the steps taken by the diaspora to lead on December 22, 2020 to the reintegration of the Democratic Republic of Congo into the African Growth and Opportunity Act, in acronym AGOA;

Considering the address of the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, his Excellency Mr. Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, of December 6, 2020 following the consultations with regard to the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law suggesting:

  • To identify Congolese citizens and foreign residents and issue new secure identity cards before the end of 2022;

  • To ensure the vote for Congolese abroad in the next national elections;

  • To create seats for Congolese living abroad in the National Assembly;


Aware that the Congolese diaspora abounds in multisectoral intellectual resources and has the operational capacities likely to initiate, develop and implement actions in response to the various challenges facing the Democratic Republic of Congo;

Resolved to pool the different spheres of knowledge, skills and expertise as well as to create a synergy of potentialities and efforts capable of coping with the scope and specificity of the actions to be carried out;

Convinced of popularizing information through exchanges, conferences, the sharing of experiences as well as the development of collective knowledge by acting in a conscious and responsible manner;

Understanding that morality as well as Judeo-Christian values, in particular love, moral probity, mutual respect constitute our fundamentals;

We effective members of FICE adopt the statutes whose provisions follow:


Article 1: NAME

The association is called: Forum of Congolese Intellectuals Abroad in acronym, “FICE”.

Article 2: HEAD OFFICE

The head office of FICE is established at 9103 Lacrosse Drive, Huntersville NC 28078, United States of America. It may be transferred at any time on the proposal of the Board of Directors and ratification by the General Meeting.

Any modification of the registered office must be published within the deadlines required by the competent administrative authority.

Article 3: DURATION

The FICE is established for an unlimited period.


Article 4: PURPOSE

The FICE aims to bring together Congolese intellectuals who live and work abroad in a framework of reflection, exchange and action on issues affecting the Democratic Republic of Congo and their development in their countries of origin. adoption or fostering.


FICE pursues the following objectives:

  1. List the various skills (scientific, technical, cultural, etc.) of Congolese living abroad in order to make them available to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Engage them in reflections, research and actions aimed at advancing practical solutions to Congolese challenges;

  2. Create, offer and negotiate business and contract opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in their host countries;

  3. Encourage and support the emergence of scientific, political, economic, cultural and social actors available to serve the Democratic Republic of Congo and their host countries;

  4. Collaborate with Congolese and consular authorities to:

    1. The protection of Congolese abroad;

    2. The census of Congolese abroad;

    3. Elections for Congolese Abroad;

    4. The creation of jobs and the reintegration of Congolese students who return to the country after their training...

  5. Create conditions and structures for collaboration in Congo with:

    1. Government institutions;

    2. Educational and scientific research institutions;

    3. Chambers of Commerce;

    4. Small and medium enterprises;

    5. Cultural actors;

    6. social actors.

  6. Serve as an orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad;

  7. Perform all acts directly or indirectly related to its purpose. It can lend its support and take an interest in any activity similar to its purpose.


Section 6

To achieve the goals and objectives mentioned in Articles 4 and 5 of its Statutes, FICE organizes the creation, management, animation and development of sectoral conferences, annual forums, think tanks and all other activities that allow its development and expansion.

Section 7

The conditions of organization and operation of the means of action listed in Article 6 of these Statutes are specified in the internal regulations.



Section 8

FICE members are natural and/or legal persons who have an interest in the purpose and activities of the Association and/or who wish to support them.

Section 9

The FICE is composed of the members:

  • founders,

  • associate co-founders,

  • workforce,

  • members,

  • of honor,

  • and supporters.


The description, the specification as well as the attributions of the members are specified in the rules of procedure.


Section 10

The founders of FICE are the initial members. They are, by right, members of the General Assembly with voting rights. The founding members and co-founders are signatories of these Statutes.

Section 11

Additional Members can join FICE under the categories of effective members, adherents and supporters.

Section 12

The Rules of Procedure specify the procedures for joining new members in the different categories.


Section 13

Membership automatically ceases in the following cases:

  1. the resignation addressed to the Local Committee;

  2. If the member is a natural person, at the time of his death, membership being inalienable;

  3. If the member is a legal entity:

  • At its request for withdrawal from the FICE addressed to the Local Committee by the person authorized to bind the legal person,

  • During the bankruptcy duly certified by the competent administrative authority.

  1. the exclusion of the member when he is guilty of a violation of the Statutes or the Rules of Procedure or when he has adopted a behavior that would harm FICE because of his breach of the laws of honor and propriety;

  2. Lack of payment of annual dues according to the conditions indicated in the Internal Regulations.

Section 14

A resigning or excluded member has no right to the share capital of FICE.

Section 15

The Rules of Procedure specify the procedures for losing membership.



Section 16

FICE's resources come from donations, bequests, sponsorships, partnerships, public subsidies, membership fees, income generated by its assets and any other legal resource.

Section 17

All resources of FICE are assigned exclusively to the achievement of its purpose and objectives.

The rules of procedure specify the mobilization mechanisms and the terms of assignment.


Section 18

Founding members, associate co-founders, staff and members (natural or legal persons) pay an annual subscription.

Section 20

The amount of the subscription for founding members, associate co-founders, staff and members (natural or legal persons) can be variable.

Section 21

The Rules of Procedure specify the amount of annual subscriptions by category of members, the mode of release of payments and the conditions to be taken into account for the difference in subscription amounts, depending on the geographical regions in which FICE is established.




Section I: Composition and powers


Rule 22


The General Assembly constitutes the supreme authority of FICE

Section 23

The General Assembly is made up of founding members, associate co-founders and delegates of effective and adherent members.



Section I: Composition and powers

Section 22

The General Assembly constitutes the supreme authority of FICE

Section 23

The General Assembly is made up of founding members, associate co-founders and delegates of effective and adherent members.

Section 24

The General Assembly has the inalienable powers which are expressly recognized by law and these Articles of Association, including the following:

  1. Adoption and amendments to the Statutes;

  2. Appointment, monitoring, discharge and dismissal of directors and external auditors;

  3. Approval of annual activity reports, audited annual accounts and budget forecasts;

  4. The voluntary dissolution of the association;

  5. Confirmation of Admission and Exclusion of Members;

  6. Decision to dissolve, merge or transform the association;

  7. Management of all matters that are not the responsibility of other bodies.

Section 2: Typology

Section 25

The Ordinary General Assembly of FICE is held once a year.

Section 26

Extraordinary General Assemblies of FICE may be held if necessary.

Section 27

The conditions for convening, organizing and deliberating general and extraordinary meetings are defined by the Internal Regulations.



Section 28

Internationally, the administrative and management bodies of FICE are the Board of Directors and the Management Committee.


Section 29

On the national or local level, the administrative and management bodies of FICE are the Local Assembly and the Local Office

Section 30

The Internal Regulations specify the operation and management of the administrative and management bodies at international and local level.




Section 31

The financial year of the FICE begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year.


Section 32


The consolidated accounts for the past financial year and the general budget for the following financial year are subject to the approval of the Ordinary General Meeting.


Section 33

In the event of dissolution of FICE, the General Assembly appoints the liquidator(s), determines their powers and indicates the allocation of assets, after deduction of debts and other legal obligations of FICE towards third parties.

Section 34

The general meeting appoints an auditor by geographical region (continent in which there is a group of founding members, co-founders, staff and members). The auditors thus appointed are responsible for verifying the accounts of the association and presenting an annual report to it. They are appointed for a two-year term. The outgoing auditors are eligible for re-election.

Section 35

In addition to the Articles of Association, the management committee draws up internal regulations. The approval as well as any modifications to these regulations are subject to a decision of the Board of Directors, ruling by simple majority.


Section 36

Everything that is not explicitly provided for in these Statutes is governed by the provisions enacted by law in the management of non-profit associations.




Rule 37


The founders, through the Ordinary General Meeting, unanimously take the decisions which will only become effective from the date of filing at the registry:

  • statutes;

  • acts relating to the appointment of directors;

  • as well as acts relating to the appointment of persons authorized to represent the association.


Section 38

As an exception to Article 31, the first financial year will begin on February 1, 2021 and end on December 31, 2021. The first general meeting will be held in the second half of March 2022.

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