Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries
Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries
Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad
Identify existing skills and
make them available for the DRC

Communautary development
The sustainable development of the Democratic Republic of Congo will delay benefiting its populations if the work of political, private and civil society actors does not include the dimension of community development.
The need for community development is greater in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially since the economy of the country is based on mining and foreign direct investment whose owners have little regard for the environment, are prone to corruption, and exploit in defiance of the rights of indigenous communities.
To save the Congolese people from poverty, disease and the loss of the heritage of their ancestors transmitted from generation to generation, FICE intends to participate in community development to:
Help manage risks collectively and effectively;
Increase and contribute in the long term to the vigor and effectiveness of communities;
Ensuring the health of communities;
Provide community education;
Improve the quality of life;
Enable communities to participate in decision-making;
Maximize the role of facilitator of positive change of the company;
job creation;
Encourage the creation of small and medium-sized businesses by members of the community in order to provide the populations with basic necessities that cannot otherwise be provided by other partners.
FICE will emphasize the role of government in community development including through:
Initiatives to establish policies and standards;
Infrastructure planning for monitoring and evaluation systems;
Helping Aboriginal communities through partnership;
Collaborating with communities to develop projects and programs that meet their needs;
The protection of indigenous communities against the abuses of national and foreign economic operators.