Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries
Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries
Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad
Identify existing skills and
make them available for the DRC

International Office
The international office has two major management bodies
The International Board of Directors
The International Board of Directors is the executive body of FICE. It meets three times a year, in March, June and November in ordinary meetings and in extraordinary meetings, whenever necessary. It makes decisions concerning FICE policy, sets the agenda for the Annual General Meeting. It adopts the program and the budget before their submission to the Annual General Assembly.
The composition International Board of Directors conforms to the statutes of FICE and reflects the international character in its composition of the members which includes the founder and co-founders, co-founders associates, heads of departments at the international level, and experts selected according to the need of the association.
The honorary members of FICE are appointed throughout the world, in the branches or specialized sectors and are directly attached to the International Board of Directors.
2. Headquarters
The Headquarters is the seat of the association. With reference to the creation of FICE and its legal registration, the headquarters is based in the United States where the presidency and the treasury of the organization are housed.