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Etudier ensemble


Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries


Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries


 Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad 


Identify existing skills and

make them available for the DRC


During the years of bad governance of the Republic, one of the areas that has suffered the most is that of education as a whole. The national capacity to meet the challenges of education is very limited.

The community of Congolese Abroad is full of daughters and sons who have specialized in different fields and who wish to communicate this knowledge to their compatriots.


FICE will use new information technologies to organize total secondary, vocational and university education online and / or semi-traditional. The teaching program will be of an international standard based on the American model. However, the obligations of the Congolese program will be taken into account to affirm the partnership with the institutions of the Republic in order to produce executives who understand their local context and provide lasting solutions.

The advantages of providing online education include: enabling workers to study, without giving up their income-generating occupations; allow students to receive lessons despite their geographic locations; allow FICE teachers and instructors from the diaspora to teach without necessarily traveling to the Democratic Republic of Congo.


In its short, medium and long term program FICE plans to implement the primary, secondary and university education programs. However, the organization is aware of the need to also organize recovery programs (for students who have a low level) upgraded for managers and workers (Refresher Training Courses)


FICE's economic activity centers, which are well equipped and managed by its Business branch, will serve as a place for practice and professional training.

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A compassionate diaspora

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