Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries
Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries
Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad
Identify existing skills and
make them available for the DRC
Trade and entrepreneurship
In addition to the efforts of the Congolese government to re-establish cooperation with its traditional donors, FICE believes it is participating in the economic recovery of the Democratic Republic of Congo through three complementary models. It's about:
1) the import substitution industrialization (ISI) model;
2) the model of industrialization by export promotion;
3) Public-private partnership (PPP).
Thanks to their transfers of funds of more than 2 billion US dollars, Congolese abroad have demonstrated their knowledge of the industry that responds to Congolese challenges.
Although far from the DRC, they are both consumers and exporters of Congolese products & services. FICE advocates the philosophy of knowledge transfer, technology and the reinvestment of income from its operations in the country. It intends to promote the public-private partnership (PPP) with the government of the Republic but also to work in joint ventures with local private companies, especially women and young people to create wealth and jobs that strengthen the country's exports to the outside world.
FICE's business projects follow a cooperative management style, thereby reducing the gap between design and execution. Each project is therefore autonomous and composed of FICE members who subscribe to the capital to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations.
FICE's commercial projects respond to the Head of State's vision on “WIN-WIN” exchanges, that is to say they are not only aimed at economic growth, but also social utility, responsibility and contribution. to the socio-economic development of their community in which they are carried out. Economic surpluses are allocated as a priority to the development of activity and the creation of jobs in the Congolese diaspora and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.