Collaborate with consular authorities and leaders of host countries
Create business opportunities in the DRC and in host countries
Orientation and mentoring framework for Congolese students abroad
Identify existing skills and
make them available for the DRC
Join The Congolese
Diaspora for Excellence!
Become a member and make a difference
FICE Member Categories
1) Adherent member (effective): Natural or legal person in good standing with contributions and who complies with the statutes as well as the internal regulations of the association. The adherent member who is a legal entity appoints a representative who participates with the right to vote in the activities of the association.
2) Sympathizing member: natural persons who do not fulfill the conditions to become an associate member but who accept and share the aims and objectives of the association. They are accepted to this category on their request and because of their expertise according to the need of the association.
Statutes of Fice International
Become a member and make a difference.
You are part of the Congolese diaspora which abounds in multi-sectoral intellectual resources and operational capacities to put at the service of the DRC.
You wish to participate actively in exchanges, conferences, sharing of experiences as well as in the development of collective knowledge by acting in a conscious and responsible manner.
All in love, moral probity, mutual respect. So do not hesitate any longer, join the movement.